SCELC's Strategic Pillar Task Forces gather expertise in our community to provide input on the future of our strategic pillars.
With collaboration and active member participation at the heart of SCELC's success, the Task Forces help us develop a future where SCELC empowers libraries to enhance their vital, transformative role within their organizations.
Open Access Task Force | Library Technology Infrastructure Task Force | Return on Investment Task Force |
Each task force is composed of SCELC member representatives, including librarians and staff with expertise in the relevant strategic area.
Task force members are appointed by the Executive Director in consultation with SCELC leadership and subject to approval by the institution's Dean or Director.
Membership strive for diversity in terms of institution size, budget, and library focus
The task forces convene for a period of 6-12 months. The Executive Director will deliver Interim reports to the SCELC Board as well as a final report and recommendations presented at the end of the task force term.
Task forces meet virtually monthly and possibly during SCELCapalooza.
SCELC’s Executive Director is responsible for chairing, coordinating activities, and ensuring that objectives are met. Other SCELC Staff may also serve in administrative roles to the task forces.
The task forces make recommendations to the SCELC Executive Director, who in conjunction with the SCELC Board of Directors, holds the decision-making authority and responsibility to implement changes.