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Amplifying Library Impact


SCELC combines its resources with those of its member institutions in order to provide portfolio of consortial licensing, community funding, professional development, and other member-focused services.

Digital Collections

SCELC partners with member institutions and vendors to develop scalable programs to support digital collections in the consortium.

Between our community-driven pilot program with JSTOR on its Shared Collections platform and a traditional consortial shared-access model for OCLC's CONTENTdm, SCELC's digital collections services provide different levels of access, support, and community-building that best fit your institution's needs. 


JSTOR Shared Collections Digital Cooperative

The Shared Collections Digital Cooperative (SCDC) is a collaborative, multi-year pilot project between SCELC member institutions, SCELC Staff, and JSTOR.

Participating institutions pay a Digital Cooperative Fee, which provides access to JSTOR Shared Collections as well as the staff time to develop and assess the effectiveness of various SCELC consortial services within the platform-- all as determined by the community. 

Callimachus CONTENTdm

The Callimachus program provides consortial access to a shared SCELC server on OCLC's CONTENTdm platform. 

Participating institutions are responsible for a one-time implementation fee paid to OCLC, while SCELC fully funds ongoing hosting and service fees. After SCELC provides basic account and server setup, institutions are encouraged to individually build out their collections on the shared server.