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Amplifying Library Impact


SCELC combines its resources with those of its member institutions in order to provide portfolio of consortial licensing, community funding, professional development, and other member-focused services.

Licensing Services

For over 20 years, SCELC has applied industry expertise to negotiating licensing on behalf of our members.

SCELC uses its contract points document as a guiding principles in negotiations with vendors.

Licensing Value

SCELC licensing services save you time and money. As participants in our licensing services, you have access to data to communicate the savings to our libraries' stakeholders.

  • Transformative Agreement Impact Reports
  • Program Participation Summary Reports

Transformative Agreements

SCELC offers transformative agreements to move publishers and libraries toward an Open Access model.

We have developed a guide on Transformative Agreements to help libraries understand this complex, but critical development in licensing.

TA Guide

Current Agreements

Current agreements and eJournal Summaries
Available for participants through ConsortiaManager.