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Create Application: Library Science Student Scholarship

Has the applicant completed at least six (6) units at the time of submission?
Please provide the name, office, address, and phone number of the financial aid office for your program of study.
Must be ALA-Accredited.
No longer than one typed page, explaining your purpose for pursuing an MLIS and your future professional aspirations. Your statement will be evaluated based on the following (link to full rubric):
  • your contribution to the profession in programs or initiatives at your SCELC Member library
  • your involvement in early career professional activities, service to your school, and/or participation in professional organizations
  • your career goals

Files must be less than 32 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Please have your recommender address criteria from the scoring rubric:
Files must be less than 32 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Must be in .PDF format. Official copy preferred, but unofficial accepted. (NOTE: If you are awarded a scholarship, we will need a copy of your official transcripts.)
Files must be less than 32 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
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