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Resource Sharing Committee

Group Description: 

The Resource Sharing Committee (RSC) identifies, analyzes and facilitates resource sharing innovations, strategies, and trends. It proposes new resource sharing initiatives to the SCELC Board of Directors and communicates with SCELC libraries regarding resource sharing issues and proposals. It also coordinates SCELC-wide activities relating to interlibrary loan, patron-initiated borrowing, and reciprocal borrowing.

Once a year, the committee presents an operational plan to the Board which is informed by the SCELC strategic plan, including goals, deliverables, a schedule of completion, and an assessment model.

The Resource Sharing Committee oversees the following SCELC Member Benefits and Programs:

See the Resource Sharing Toolkit LibGuide for information about ILL vendors, tools, webinars and training videos.

Official RSC overview and description (PDF; 561KB)

Committee Structure

There shall be at least two members from each of the SCELC resource sharing initiatives, 
including Reciprocal Interlibrary Loan, Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing, and the SCELC RapidILL pod, 
for a total of at least 6 and up to 12 members.

The SCELC Executive Director and a SCELC staff member liaison are ex officio, and non-voting members of the committee.

The Committee shall select its own chair.

The SCELC Shared Print program, initiated by the RSC, is now overseen by the Shared Print Committee (SPC). One member of the RSC also serves on the SPC as a liaison between the two committees to ensure that resource sharing remains a key element of the Shared Print program.

Once a year, the committee presents an operational plan which is informed by the SCELC strategic plan, including goals, deliverables, a schedule of completion, and an assessment model.


Committee Roster